Sunday, October 4, 2009

Analytic and Synthetic Cubism

Analytic Cubism

Georges Braque, 'Woman with a Guitar,' 1913

Guillermo Kuitca with one of his paintings of baggage carousels.

Analytic Cubism is a style artist use to turn a three-dimensional object into two-dimensional abstract forms. Picasso and Braque are considered to be the founders of this technique and have created many paintings expressing this style (see above Braque piece). Typically these forms have been reduced from rounded organic objects to geometric shapes called facets. When graphic designers began using analytic cubism adjustments were made to create a easily grasped commercial message by the viewer.

Synthetic Cubism

Pablo Picasso, Glass and Bottle of Sure

Artist unknown

Synthetic Cubism is the second cubist technique created by Picasso and Braque. This technique was characterized by the introductions of textures and collage elements. Synthetic Cubism is more of a pushing of objects together than Analytical cubism and is a way for designers to have structure while experimenting with an abstract language.

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